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Extension: JQuery



  • I just download your extension, but it still says version 1.0.0,
  • StashStash
    edited February 2007
    ORLY? I just downloaded it, got JQuery-1.1.1-2007-01-22.rar which contains:================================================================================ \JQuery-1.1.1-2007-01-22\JQuery\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default.php 900 22/01/2007 16:33:41 JQuery, 1.1.1, Readme.txt 2,983 22/01/2007 16:37:19 jquery.js 20,461 22/01/2007 12:47:56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 file(s), 0 folder(s) 24,344 bytes ================================================================================
    I even went as far as to compare the jquery.js file from the RAR file and jquery-latest.pack.js using Beyond Compare, and they're identical. So I'm not quite sure what's going on... try downloading again?
  • Sorry, I got it now.
  • Updated to jQuery 1.1.2 and (hopefully) made so it won't conflict with PreviewPost 2.2. If I've done it the wrong way SirNot, please do let me know :)
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