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Holy smoke - my tabs have disappeared

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I don't know what has happened. I realised today, after logging onto the website, that my top tabs have gone (eg discussions, categories, search). I can still load the urls ok, it's just that their tabs are not on the website anymore. I use vanea black theme - been using it for months successfully. I installed 2 extensions 4 or 5 days ago - privatemessages and thankful people. They are excellent and I don't think it is anything to do with them. Tho I turned them off in the past few minutes. Still no tabs. The only other thing is that firefox did an update earlier today. But I don't think that that is the issue because no tabs appear in internet explorer either. I am still on vanilla 1.0.1 Baffling because i went to bed last night and the site was fine. Woke up today and this problem has suddenly surfaced. Bizarre. website is


  • NickENickE New
    edited December 2006
    CustomPages.php 20-Dec-2006 01:05 1k Ugh, your saved tabs, like several other peoples', went beserk for some unknown reason...

    *runs away from angry mob*

    ...but seriously, I hope this isn't like an exploit or something.

    EDIT: Holy crap, you can exploit it. I just realized that you could send bad parameters to ajax.php and lose someone's tabs. Eg. something as simple as this will erase your tabs:http://[your site]/vanilla/extensions/PageMng/ajax.php?PageID
  • Ok, fixed.

    If you don't want to redownload it, change the following line in ajax.php$PageMng->ReorganizeOrder(); to
  • great work, SirNot! Many thanks! Your extension is possibly my favourite of the lot.
  • I meant to add, do you reckon someone hacked my extension?
  • Well at the moment that's the only logical explanation I can give you. It's certainly possible that someone could have erased your tabs, but I wouldn't know if that's the reason they disappeared.
  • edited December 2006
    yes the tabs were empty when i turned the extension back on - and everything was fine when i went to bed last night. Something happened overnight. Creepy, if some asshole was pissing about under the bonnet. Anyways, thanks for your prompt help. All my best wishes. PS what chmod value should extensions be?
  • I had this happen to me also quite a few times. I could only get my tabs back if I disabled the Page Manager extension and then deleted the CustomPages.php file before I re enabled Page manager. I think that I was experiencing problems with rearranging (with the ajax) tabs. Finally the only way that I could use this extension was to not add additional tabs and to not rearrange the tabs. Otherwise those darn tabs took a hike to who knows where....sure wish I could figure this out.
  •  Quote: strawberries  Creepy, if some asshole was pissing about under the bonnet.
    Maybe it wasn't intentional?
    It could have been someone trying to get to a page manually?
    Maybe I'm making all this up and talking through my hat. pic
  • NickENickE New
    edited December 2006
    Well I suppose what also could have happened was that the js sent a malformed request somehow. In any case though, I also (as in, just now) added in some checks to make sure the sent order array contains the correct information (ie. no missing indices and each provided index actually exists). The function it calls at the moment does require php 4.0.1, but if need be I can also implement it manually.
  • SirNot, Have you upgraded the downloadable version?

    And what is the recommended PHP Version that you like to have installed?

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