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Official New Upcoming Features List and Discussion



  • Hi. Thanks for the tips guys. I have been "off" some weeks, but now I am back. Yeah Tom, a wiki page is a nice suggestion. Yeah, but many features is not always "bloated". But a better plugin system, I agree on that, better updater for example. Feel free to do any of these tips guys! Save it as a future reference. Also give some tips on more items to add to the list.
  • edited February 2007
    I say scrap the word 'extensions' altogether and use the word 'bean(s)' instead to refer to add-ons. Want your Vanilla install to have more 'flavor'... add more 'beans'.
  • More flavour? ;)
  • edited February 2007
    Feel free to make an add-on from something on the list. ^^ Mark, why don't you add the small whisper link? It is so easy.
  • hey, Polo,
    looking forward to your bundle, only guaranteed plugins, right?
  • Could we also have version 1.3 of CommentLinks updated here on Lussumo please as the currently installed version does not work.

    Posted: Monday, 26 February 2007 at 10:13AM (AEDT)

  • I might make the bundle later sometime, maybe.
  • Keep the core clean. The rest of the features can be put as extensions.
    It will be nice if some good coded extensions marked as "official" and included in package.
    This will ensure compatibility and integrity with vanilla ( no hack needed )

    The packaging system can follow as what xaraya ( ) did.
    They keep the core system clean and create several downloadable packages with different numbers of extensions.
  • @Hyapadi: Like a clean core & 'official add-on bling-packs', all regression-tested to ensure they work together without problems.
    @ U2W: Don't call them beans please, makes it much more confusing (Java's Beans)
  • Drupal calls them "install profiles"
  • hyapadihyapadi New
    edited February 2007
    I think it will be okay if the basic functionality such as preview and quote included in the core. From what I see, there are too much conflict between extensions. It is hard to bring all of them works together. There must be some standard/guidelines somehow to avoid this, or else the ext won't be that plug and play anymore :> The naming schemes for the official ext also could be made simpler. For example, chatbox can be called just chatbox. And so on. The same ideas with modules in Drupal.
  • I'll go with preview going in the core, but there's no definitive quote extension yet in my eyes. AjaxQuote is probably the best currently, but you still can't just get a selected quote from a comment (not easy I'm sure) and I haven't tried quoting multiple people/comments with it yet - can it do this? Those two things would be essential in a core quote function IMO.
  • Cool to see Vanilla growing, not sure though why Mark has not added "whisper" beside the discussion number.
This discussion has been closed.