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Need an installation guide for idiots

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am trying to install the last version of Vanilla from scratch on a standalone for testing (running on Windows XP). I installed MySQL 5.0 and created an empty database called "vanilla", and I also installed PHP 5.2. So far, I have been able to get to the Vanilla setup screen, but as soon as I click the new installation link, a command window opens and closes right away, then nothing happens. I apologize for the stupid question, but I am just a volunteer for my community, and my knowledge about PHP and MySQL is quite limited. We chose Vanilla, because it seemed simple to run and use, and my community cannot use things that are too complicated. Would anyone help us in this regard. Thank you in advance.


  • edited December 2006
    Here is a nice voiced tour of Mark (the creator!)

    It is super easy.


    Or if you want (and trust me) I can install it for you.
  • Do you have apache running?
  • Is your webserver (Apache) up and running?

    Try XAMPP as a base for your vanilla!

  • For a Windows testing installation XAMPP is great. It takes about 30 seconds to install and about 2 minutes to basically secure once it's installed. Give that a try, I gave up after trying to install all the bits independently on Windows after many tries. It's just not worth the pain and misery :)
  • I tried the long way too, desided to give XAMPP a try. works with wordpress and has for well over a month, but I'm having problems with Vanilla. The index.html page loads, but then the link to install gives error with the CGI script or server overloaded, I too have tried using windows to unlock the config folder with no success. I know this because the next time I bring up the property sheet for the folder after I try to get Vanilla up it is read only. My guess is that apache server, PHP, or the firewall locks it up again. Being an newbee at the Net is my major problem. I loaded XAMPP in my computer because I was always crashing my site on the net. No way will I try to upload Vanilla without first seeing it work at home.
  • I'd give XAMPP a reinstall if that happened to me, as it worked just fine for me...
  • OK, I spent the time after the last post trying a reinstall as recommened by Stash. I could not get it to work after the reinstall. I desided to try to reinstall using the long way, this was a waste of another day. I first found Xampp listed in the book "Blog Design Solutions" The author has a site with fixes to the book. Although in the book he recommended not using the quick all in one installs, now I understand why. On his site he said new releases at the PHP. net site were good for a full function PHP install and recommends this installer. So I went there and downloaded the windows installer released by the PHP group. You must install your server choice before you run the installer. but after the installer is run your PHP should work with your server. I then added the MySQL package. With a little more work(you need to set DocumentRoot andDirectoryIndex) all works as a complete system. Loaded up the vanilla folder into the htdocs file(that I moved to C:\. Remember the path has to be set in php.ini) and was able to run the vanilla install, all things done now and am working on development of my Vanilla forum/wordpress blog site.
  • Sorry it didn't help Kevin, but I'm glad you've got it all up and running now. If you have any feedback to give to the XAMPP guys I'm sure they'd appreciate it.
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