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Which do you use: BBCode or HTML?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
While I'm setting up the nemu*nemu forums I just wanted to know:
Which one do you prefer to use in your install of Vanilla?

Take a break and enjoy a webcomic!


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    I prefer BBCode. It's universal across forums. If the average person were told they could only format in HTML I would think that would seem daunting and something extra they had to learn. I want to make it as easy as possible for my users.
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    HTML. I've always perceived BBcode to be an ill-conceived relic from UBB. The fact that there are so many variants make it hard to learn and use consistently. For lightweight markup, I prefer Markdown. Those already familiar with blogs may prefer Textile.
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    I prefer BBCode. It's universal across forums. If the average person were told they could only format in HTML I would think that would seem daunting and something extra they had to learn.

    I want to make it as easy as possible for my users.

    I agree exactly. I also think there are some doubts about the security of HTML.
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    I use the FCKeditor, almost every member of one of the communities i have is code illierate, and they love the whole MSWord style of highlight and format...
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    edited December 2006
    I use whatever I can get my grubby little hands on at the time :D

    HTML is overkill for a forum IMO though. While it's nice to have all that control over things, it just takes too long, and the highlight and click solution seems to be the smartest to me. What I want to see in something like FCK is the "style panel" that you have in Word (and InDesign and Quark et all) so you can just tell something (without highlighting, just being in the word/paragraph) "be this style now!", that would rule.

    You Rock! You Rule!
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    i found it too easy for my users to beak the layout of the forum using HTML.

    i also tried HTML markup in other forums and found that it would not render if the code was not exact - i.e. closing an image tag with > instead of /> would not work.

    bbcode seems normal in forums these days and i guess most people will be used to it.
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    circuit, try a more advanced HTML parser like kses (or if you host yourself, you can get TidyHTML as a php extension ... woot!)

    I currently use BBCode, but I'm probably going to be switching to HTML for the FCKEditor which is hawt.
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    @circuit: you can edit the extension options to disallow inline styling.
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    i have my bbcode bar set up with a nice little youtube button at the minute, which is proving to be really popular, so unless there was a way to embed youtube code with an html toolbar, i'd probably stick with what i have.
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    NickENickE New
    edited December 2006
    Just for the record: enable video links within the extension, and the syntax for youtube videos is <video type="youtube">video id</video>
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    Do you mean?
    <video type="youtube">video id</video>
    And which extension would this be?
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    Oops, yeah, I'll change that. It's an option in the html formatter.
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    The FCK also has a very nice youtube/googlevids embed setup.
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    How can I add the youtube thingy to the bbinsert bar?
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    It's here somewhere in the forum cos I did it for circuit, so if you search for it you should find it. But I'll get a copy to you all done and zipped with the other changes I made just as soon as I can (probably a few hours yet...).
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    Thanks [-Stash-]! That would be great!
    Take a break and enjoy a webcomic!
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