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Urgent help needed

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is the weirdest things that happened to me. I have installed Vanilla 1.0.1 about a month ago, and upgraded to 1.0.2 and yesterday to 1.0.3 (just added the required code). While preparing the forum for a launch, I was writing a message to the users using the "Announcement" extension, and then suddenly I get the Vanilla 1.0.1 Setup page, just like I have never installed it before. Any suggestions how to recover the forum, without losing any data and settings will be most appreciated. Thank you.


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    Also, how do I avoid from this happening again.
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    This has happened before (and to me, too). If you edit the settings.php file in the conf folder, and look for ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE you'll see the problem "a line break". You entered a line break when you entered your announcement. If you remove that, you should be fine.
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    FYI, you might want to delete the setup folder too, anyway.
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    Thank you guys. Happy holidays.
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