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whisper enhancement

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I think the whisper concept is brilliant!

I was just wondering if it would be possible to add the following features to it:

1. Whisper to more than one user, separated by a coma maybe.

2. Group whispers (this would probably require buddy list extension or something similar)
-This could also have admin defined groups. So you can efficiently whisper to Moderators or whatever groups you want on certain topics.


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    I love the whisper concept but it does take some time getting used to. I have just transited a forum from proboards (just got blocked in china) to vanilla and most users are still getting used to the whisper concept. The capabilities mentioned above would greatly enhance it..
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    edited December 2006
    I've looked a bit how whisper works, in order to make a whisper to role extension (equivalent to whisper to groups! maybe using multirole if really needed) a Whisper adds a simple UserId to the discussion/comment then the theme display it to the current reader (if it's the author, the target of the whisper, or someone who has the right to see whispers) or not. So in order to change this, there may be two ways: a) Add a "rumor" function which will send whispers to many people, but that won't replace the whisper function (and maybe find a way to hide the whisper box and the whisper systems). May require to change a bit the theme to handle rumor post correctly (maybe a deleguate can help in a way ?) :/ b) Change the whisper system, which require to modify themes (I don't like to modify original themes...) Ideally, a good "rumor" addon will allow to transform groups (or role) in a name list to control who can see the rumor, and add/remove buddys in it
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