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Favorite RSS reader?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Do you guys/girls have a favored RSS reader?


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited December 2006
    The only one I found I can be arsed with is the one builtinto - I've tried standalone apps like NewsNetWire but never really got into the habit of using them regularly.
  • Yeah I'm the same way about never having 'gotten into the habit', and I'm not sure why that is.
  • google reader for me have setup firefox to always use google reader
  • Opera
  • I'm still looking for the perfect reader. I've tried all the web-based ones out there. Newshutch I used the longest, because of its simplistic nature, and it simply works right. However, feeds sometimes take awhile to update, and once you mark a post as read, it's gone. I liked Rojo's interface, but it wouldn't load several feeds I had listed. They also have a cool social/web2.0 setup, which I never really used. I tried Google Reader, but it's just so ugly I didn't like to use it. It does keep old posts though. Now I'm really wondering why I did leave Newshutch, it was pretty decent, but I'm sure I had a good reason, just can't remember. :) Oh yeah, Google reader really turned me off when I imported my OPML file, and it started marking random feeds as read, and others as unread, so I had no clue where to start sorting things out. Very un-googly. Right now I'm using Netvibes, one of those online desktop applications... I have a tab for each section (about 11), each tab having about 20 RSS feed blocks within. The main beauty of this is that for longer-titled feeds like news sites, I can have a 2-column layout instead of 3 so titles fit. Arguably, even that isn't the best solution, but until something better comes along... Maybe I'll just have to create my own, in the same vein as Vanilla. :) Lots of good desktop ones out there, but I read at both home and work, so a single application was never an option.
  • david when was the last time u used google reader give me honest answer,
  • If you really don't like a site because of the way it looks, just restyle it using Stylish and submit your new beauty to so everyone can enjoy it.
  • Google Reader I just tried out last week. :) After the major updates. I think it may just be that it's so young. I'm sure if I give it a few months, that will probably be my primary reader, especially since I already use Gmail and Google Calendar all day. I'm a big google fan, but I just wish they'd give Blue And White a break sometimes. Also, I really don't like whatever they use to determine what's "new" or not, or maybe it's just imported feeds they mess up and I have to let it ride a few weeks before it works ok. I have over 200 feeds, and might not get around to reading one for a month. To me, the 30 new posts in that feed since the last time I visited should be marked as "new". Really it's nitpick-y reasons, and I know it's Google so they have 5-6 people working on it full time, so I'm confident they can fix some of my little issues. I already love how fast it updates, it has a lot of great features. Just hoping they can keep development going.
  • how are u reading ur feeds. in expanded view or list view. In expanded view if u scroll past the article it will be marked as read (there is an option in the preferences to disable it) In list view it won't be. in list view u will have to click on each article to read it and only then its marked as read. rest should be marked as new. PLus for me if i'm not reading a feed its NOT marked as read. and my unread number keeps increasing from 3,10, 20 etc untill i read em. you should post this on google reader groups. it will get priority and will be fixed earlier.
  • I must be one of the few people who's not using a web based reader. I tried them all out and decided that FeedDemon was the best for me. I don't really feeds anyhere but at home. I have a few subscribed in Desktop Sidebar at work and that's it.
  • I used to use RSS Bandit, but its definitely not ready for prime time. Don't use anything now, the perpetual inbox was too much.

    My ideal reader would be one with a baeysian filter--like is used for spam--that I can train to automatically ignore posts I am not interested in :-)
  • Google reader will in the future prioritize ur rss feeds. so feeds from ur friends blog will appear higher than feeds from a news site. i love the sharing and staring (bookmark) feature in Google reader.
  • Actually, I gave Google Reader another shot, and will probably stick with it since it has a better chance of getting updated. It seems new feeds at least work correctly as far as unread/read, but they sure did make the initial import experience very bad for me. I did find the Share feature very interesting, will probably wind up putting that feed on my blog somewhere. I still hate the interface, but at the same time, RSS UI is hard to design and I probably couldn't do better. Looking forward to changing the colors though.
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