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Does it have to stay in topic?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know I might not be popular for this one, but I like how EZBoard goes back to the category the thread is contained in once you post your comment. I don't like how Vanilla stays in the topic and shows you your message once it's posted. Is there a way to change it so that it goes back to the Category listing instead of staying in the thread once the reply is made?

I hope I explained that right.


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    edited December 2006
    It looks like that is done in library\Vanilla\Vanilla.Control.DiscussionForm.php, around line 134. There is a delegate there, so it shouldn't be too hard to make into an add-on.

    Question is: Since Vanilla isn't category oriented by default, and since user is delivered to a category page rather than to the more familiar discussion page, this might be a bit confusing. Would you rather see the discussions page instead?
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    I guess that would work. I have to make a compromise. My ideal board would open straight to the categories board and after each reply you'd go back to the category in which that thread exists and not even have the discussions page. but if it could take me back to the discussion page, that would be fine.
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