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edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I tried the transmogrifier and it didn't seem to want to work. I put in the code for the path correctly and it just never did what I wanted it to. Vanillacons I like because they allow you to point and click the emoticon you want and that seems easier for my users.

1. Is there a way to use both so that they can be inserted either by typing or clicking?

2. How do I get either one of these to work? In both cases it just shows up as the text.


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    I'm sorry. It seems like everytime I ask a question here, I figure it out a few minutes later.
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    Perhaps if you tell us what you did, when someone else has the same problem as you and they search the forums you might be able to help them ;)
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    I would gladly volunteer that information but, honestly, all I can say is that they should just read the directions. I didn't. That was why I was having a hard time. I didn't set the permissions on the files that the directions indicated. This is what happens when you get in a hurry. I fixed it though.
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    And let that be a lesson to us all :D
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