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Account pictures?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I don't want to use the extension for this because it uploads the pictures to my server and I honestly don't want that to become an issue.

So, the default setup is fine, but I want to reset the parameters. I don't like the 230x200 for the picture and the 32x32 for the icon. Is there a way to change these parameters in the code somewhere? If so, can someone point me to the code that needs altered?



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    "When the extension is enabled it will automatically add the default configuration settings to your conf/settings.php file.
    You can change these settings on the settings tab by selecting "Account Pictures settings".

    Taken from the readme file...
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    It is a stylesheet change (themes/styles/vanilla/vanilla.css), the two items that determine are #AccountIcon for width and I think line-height somewhere (CommentHeader?) determines the icon height.

    ADM's Vanilla Pure supports 32x32 icons. My own Tyco and Tonka have 100px wide icons, but you need to edit the css in them to make anything taller.
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    Perhaps this calls for a little extension so you can easily set the icon size from within Vanilla?
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    sorry herrgeist, i think i misunderstood your question above.
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    -Stash- has the right idea. That would be a great extension. I like that Vanilla isn't too limited because of all of the extensions but there are definitely some things I'd like to see that would make it easier to use.

    Circuit: That's alright.
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