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know of any good emoticon sources?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Wondering if anyone knows of any good emoticons and avatars, ideally free. I am hoping to add a few more good emoticons to my vanillaicons extension. TIA.


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    How about a mood tag? I don't know if this has been discussed before. I just thought of this after I installed a WP plugin called cricket-moods. In any case, you still have to find the images to use.
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    I just right click on the smiley I want and then "Save Image As" and then upload it to my vanillicons extension folder.
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    mood tags are new to me, Jim. I must google. Do you still use WP a bit? I did set it up on my site, alongside and integrated with vanilla - but i took it down after a few weeks. thanks, sunmicroman.....loads of great possibilities there. Mucho thanks.
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    I started out with WP and have used it quite a lot. I've got my blog where I want it - as on online journal. Tags have always intrigued me, as providing just another way of user navigation. I started out playing with tags in the WP world. I just discovered this mood tag which is interesting to me. Moods and feelings are new to me but would seem to be helpful on a blog or forum. I'm still thinking about their use.

    I personally think a blog and forum should be separate entities. One could support the other. But I am always interested in other's ideas.
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    I think you're right, re them being separate entities. I sorta see a blog as a good way of displaying the homepage ie index page......e.g. say 2 or 3 headlines each day, which can be commented upon. Yes, i am sorta intrigued by tags as well. They offer another navigational system. I still need to google tonight for those mood thingies.
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