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Problem removing messages

argie01argie01 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I'm the admin of a Vanilla forum. Every time I try to remove a message I get an error window with this message: "Error: " And the ayax animation in the place where the word "remove" is remains and remains working forever... So, I have to reload the page and the message was gone. Is anybody can help me with this, I really appreciate it. thank you.


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    What browser are you using? If its IE, try Firefox and vice versa.
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    I might vote opera on this one.
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    The problem happens with IE6, FF2 and Opera 91 I thought the problem was caused by FCKEditor, but this is not the case: even when I disable FCKEditor, the problem continue...
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    This is the comment removal extension, correct? What is probably happening is that something is appended/prepended to its return string, causing the js to think an error occured. It was a sort of finicky error checking method to begin with, I need to fix that...
  • Options
    Yes, it's the extension Comment Removal...
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