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Stuff Displayer vs. Discussion Overview

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone know how to get these two extensions to play well together? When I started to use Stuff Displayer and go to Discussion Overview it now gives me an error saying:
The requested URL /forums/extension/ was not found on this server.

thanks for any advice!
Take a break and enjoy a webcomic!


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    edited December 2006
    I suppose if you go to line 13 of Stuff Displayer's default.php file:
    if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "account.php", "categories.php", "comments.php","post.php", "search.php", "settings.php", "extension.php")))
    and remove:
    , "extension.php"
    it should work on every page but the Discussion Overview tab, where it won't be displayed.

    Sadly I'm not skilled enough in PHP to fix this issue, Jazzman would probably have a solution.
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    edited December 2006
    Thanks for that, but I don't want to lose the logo I placed on the site with Stuff Displayer on that page...
    I guess I'll wait till someone can figure it out.
    Take a break and enjoy a webcomic!
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