Displaying Wrong Files??

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm noticing something really odd happening withmy File Browser install.

I have the files that I want displayed in folders with names that do not include and underscore.


Then files that I do not want displayed I have included an underscore before the name of the file.


That's good. The folders with underscores do not display. However, when I click on a folder to view the contents in File Browser, I am taken to the first folder that shows up alphabetically on my server.

For example:

When I click on folder filename1, I'm showed the contents of folder _anotherfilename1. When I click on folder filename2, I'm showed the contents of folder _anotherfilename2...etc.

Help??? Here's the site for more detailed example: http://www.belindasuperstarr.com/


  • yeah. I told mark about a similar bug, i think he's fixed it but he might not have covered this. What version are you using?
  • she's using 1.3.3... belinda could you maybe send an email to support@lussumo.com
  • i sure can send an email. thanks guys.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's wierd. I'll have to test it when I have time. In the meantime, try this: rather than adding underscores to your folder names, just change them to regular folder names and then add the ones you want hidden to the HideFiles parameter in your _config.xml. I bet that will do what you want.
  • That worked...thanks for the help!
  • I can confirm this bug exists in 1.3.3. I'll provide a link to an example of it in action if necessary.
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