What's the best quote thing to use nowadays?

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm using an old one at the moment, it's alright, does the job like, but I've got two niggles with it: 1) You can't quote on other pages. 2) It's rather fugly. Any suggestions please chaps? Cheers


  • Buh-huh-ump!
  • I use AjaxQuote. It works well in VanillaSky (VanillaBlue).
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    edited December 2006
    Ah thanks, just gave it a try, looks okayish :/ But I don't like the way it defaults to BBCode. NM :-) Thanks anyway //edit - Nevermind, it gives you the option of HTML too, swish! Still a bit ugly though. :-)
  • Couple of questions before I revert back to the old quote thing: 1) Is there anyway to code this one so you can select text, hit quote, and it'll only quote the selected text? 2) Any recommendations on how to make it look pretty with the standard Vanilla theme? I've tried to go for a grey look, and it's bloody awful! x_x Thanks
  • The ugliness isn't the quote extensions fault. How it looks is controlled by your style, so perhaps you need to change that?
  • Yeah, I've messed around with it but it looks even worse than before! :D
  • Aesthetics aside; is there anyway to please make it so that you can select the text and it'll only quote that? Like Bergamot's extension!
  • ^^ Please, anyone? :D
  • NickENickE New
    edited January 2007
    I find ctrl+c and ctrl+v to work pretty well
  • Hehe naw, it's a bit of a hassle to have to quote, then select the text you want to quote, then the stuff you want to remove and then paste it in :P It's not so much for me anyway, just a load of the forum's users have been moaning because they can't select text to quote anymore!
  •  Quote: blizeH  It's not so much for me anyway, just a load of the forum's users have been moaning because they can't select text to quote anymore!
    I too would like a reliable quote function, I feel it's an essential core tool in a forum system, it's so much easier in a discussion to make it clear who you are replying to and what in particular they said.

    Yeah, yeah I tried the extensions, they don't work reliably.

    For personal use, I use a macro to write the code for me then copy/paste the bit I want to quote as above.

    Posted: Tuesday, 2 January 2007 at 8:21AM (AEDT)

  • When you say they don't work reliably, what exactly do you mean Wanderer? I've found AJAXQuote to be very reliable. It doesn't do what blizeh wants, but it always works for me...
  • Ahhh, I've tried a few, sometimes they grab the selection OK, sometimes they don't, sometimes they put the result in the comments box, sometimes they just beep and nothing happens. (This is on Safari).
    I think I worked out the trick but my users couldn't so I removed them, I'm getting very impatient with hacked stuff these days.

    No disrespect to developers here, but I'm tired of using software released before fully being tested.

    Also, I think that was the one with the control spelled incorrectly (qoute) and used BBCode instead of HTML and couldn't be previewed properly.

    Posted: Tuesday, 2 January 2007 at 1:54PM (AEDT)

  • thanks for the tips - you guys answered my question precisely
  • AjaxQuote is fantastic, works perfectly, I just wish it'd let us select text to quote, it's not a bug in anyway, just a feature I'd love to see added. The normal Quotations by Bergamot is great too, the way it lets you select text is the best thing ever. It's just a shame you can't quote from other pages (not a bug as such, on Bergamot's own forum he's got single page discussions) and also it requires the user to set HTML, but again, not a bug, it's just set-up perfectly for Bergamot's own forum.
  • i use ajaxquote and quotetext together. quotetext allows a user to quote only the text they highlight. i had to fiddle with the code a little to get them to style the same way, and to make it clear which was which for users, but the results are excellent and give users the option of being lazy or being more specific with their quoting.
  • Hmm, sounds a little like overkill to me! ;-) Don't you think it'd be nice if you could have AjaxQuote allowing you to select the text? Would it not be quite easy to do guys?
  • blizeH, I'm with you on this. Modding AJAXQuote to do this would be best IMO, unfortunately I don't have the skills or time to do this yet :(
  • edited January 2007
    not overkill at all :) feedback has been really positive. it prevents users from quoting the whole of an enormous post when they are too lazy to cut out the bits they don't need, while giving less techy users the fallback option of quoting the whole thing.
  • Hmm, but cicruit, wouldn't it be a lot better if one quote button done all of that? :P
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