friends list - online or offline

i didn't see it anywhere already requested so.. what about a side panel or seperate linked page to show a friends list and show their online/offline status... might be to big of a request, but would be nice *wink*


  • I'm sure you could adapt the Whos Online extension pretty easily to cut the list down to only people you choose as friends. It's storing friend info that'd be the hard bit though..hmm...
  • Maybe you could assign all your friends to a certain role and then modify the extension to get only that role.
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited December 2006
    you would have to have mulitiroles for that, Also dont you think that that would get pretty ugly? If you were to store each persons freinds list in a database you would have to make one of these 2 things happen:
    1. disallow people to change there name(easily but not to nice for users)
    2. Update database every time a name is changed(more difficult, but this would be my preferred solution.)

    BTW I would love to see this happen, in fact if anyone would want to help me along i might be interested in making this one
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited December 2006
    Things to do to make this work:
    (does each user have a static number?) if so this will be easy
    -make new table called LUM_Friends with 2 columns usernumber, friends
    -add a data entry for each user and make friends null by default
    -add a add this person to friends list link to the profile page.
    -link will get each the value for that persons profile look in p in the friends table, unserialize value add 1 more to the friends array, serialize it
    and update their friends list in the database.
    -Create another tab named friends get the array and display there friends list(Hmm just had this idea, just use the members extensions with a
    filter to only show people who are marked as friends.
    -add a link to their profile so that other people can view their friends list via the same new tab.

    Ok now i have realized that this is way above my head

    But now i have a layout of what might be necessary to do this. I will gladly help someone if they decide to attempt this one.
    (if anyone can think of something to add to this whisper it and i will modify/add to this list)
  • Every user has a UserID. Writing forum software would be an absolute nightmare otherwise :P
  • haha OK thanks for the conformation.
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited January 2007
    Ok i am attempting to make this but i kinda have no idea what i am doing coding wise bt i have all the ideas in my head. right now i am trying to make it something like the comment feature on the userwall (have a link and when clicked it will have a submit button appear saying "Are you sure?" and when that submit button is sent have it process the query
  • does that extension show if your friends are online / offline ?
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