yes the panel list are bit confused... but couldn't find a way to make them display the way I wanted...
I should have mentioned that you need to give permission to your self.. lol sorry about that...
probably modtools will break with mod-rewrite... I've tested modtools with some plugs in... but obviously could not test it with all...
I've used it ForceIncomingString... but really didn't knew that I could replace the $_GET with that...I'm sure that knowing better the vanilla framework the code could be half of what is now...
Style-wise, and the location of everything in the sidepanel and the link in the discussion list... I think it looks great and its right where I'd want it.
apart from the check box bug... all others pictures are related to incompatibilities with REWRITE_extension.php AFAICS
if you de-activate that extension and try to reproduce the same action look if you got the same issues.
you shouldn't have any of them...
will look in to make it compatibile with rewrite extension... as it looks like lot of people are using it....
regarding the check bug, can you tell me what platform and browser you use?
I would really be nice to have this. Often people put comments in the wrong discussion and there is nothing I can do about it except delete it and repost it under my name which I don't like doing, however it's necessary for me to keep the forum organized.
I've got it installed, and it took a minute to figure out, but I think it works well for what I want it to do and that is move comments to different dicussions. I did however lose the attachments.
I'll continue to test it and edit this comment with updates. This will definitely be a great tool to have. Thanks for your work on this!
ah... interesting.... you need an extension for those attachments isn't it no?
I think is that extension from jazzman.... that uses it's own table to store the attachments.. if I remember correctly....
from all feedback I received lately... the extension looks like is working more or less correctly (maybe not enough to a public release??)... the problem arise with third party extensions....
maybe it will be a good idea make a list of extensions widely used and make them compatible with this extension...
I think that Vanilla is a really GREAT! forum in all aspects and the way to expand it is GOOD, but it seems to be bad at the administration and moderation issues like the described here.
Someway to download it?
I realy don't know, why realy none of your mails got to me. All the spam do, but not your mails! Weird, crazy, like live itself!
I'm using VaneaBlack, Who's Online 1.1, BBInsertBar 0.1.5, Better BB Code 1.0, and User Wall 1.0 Beta 6, .
I think that Vanilla is a really GREAT! forum in all aspects and the way to expand it is GOOD, but it seems to be bad at the administration and moderation issues like the described here.
Good Job jawelle