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Do you prefer navigation on the right or left side?



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    yeah its in western culture that you read from left to right from top to bottom so top left things get more the things you place there should be more important...navigation or advertisement or hints are a good thing to put there ;) or logos :D
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    Yeah, I've always been confused as to why you can't define in a style sheet:
    widht: < 800px ;
    or something like that, which would basically mean, up until 800 pixels, the width is to be fluid and to expand, but it is to be fixed at 800px or high resolution screens.

    God that would be so great. or > 500px so it's always more than 500 pixels.

    Also vinay, with a properly set layout, you'd never have to scroll sideways anyhow.

    True enough. But while the number of properly set layout's is growing, so is the number of ones that aren't.

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    left for me, puts the content more into the centre
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    i prefer it on the left. mainly because of habit i guess.. as per the maximum and minimum widths stuff you can have 'max-width' and 'min-width' in css. however this isnt supported very well in current browsers. also regarding the position fixed nav (which i think would be nice) have a read of ( ) which works in IE pc/mac. its using a javascript workaround but does the job allright.. ( extension maybe ? )
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