User Task 1.2 - problems with the UI

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I guess a few of you may be using this plugin but I couldn't find a reference to it when I searched. I have it installed and whilst I like the premise of it, there's a couple of UI problems... lemme explain... When I view a user's profile the side panel shows a couple of options: 1. Requests Posted 2. Comments added Fine. When I click on those links, what appears to happen is it makes a call to the 'search' tab, which could be confusing to the more technically challenged users. Wouldn't it be better if it acted more like the 'show all' aspect of the various add-ons authored by Mark? i.e. it doesn't make a call to the search tab but displays the results in context: discussions But my main gripe is the options for this plugin disppear from the sidebar. Furthermore, the info at the top of the results page states: 'Results 1 to 5 for nothing' It's not 'nothing', it was something. It was the requests posted for a particular member. The content header should read: Discussions started by Member X Then the info at top/bottom should be as usual 1 to 5 of 5


  • edited January 2007
    I agree, dumping a user in the search may be more than a bit confusing. It wouldn't be too hard to make it work as a filter rather than a search. That would give the additional benefit of easily allowing the options to be added to the panel. My only question is how to handle comments by, or comments mentioning the user--the search interface shows highlighted snippets that could be useful to the user. Keep them as searches but change the 'nothing' wording? I will holler when the changes are done. Thanks for the feedback!
  • Nice one Wallphone! Your question does raise some concerns but I'm sure you'll figure it out ;-))
  • edited January 2007
    Great stuff Wallphone!
  • How does one hide the User Options when a user is looking at their own account page? It would be nice if a user didn't have to see options to whisper to themselves.
  • Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /***/community/extensions/UserTasks/default.php on line 32
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