Extension: JQThickBox



  • Well it works in a PHP file, but I can't use that code in a JS file can I?
  • No - use that in a PHP file then pass it to your JS function as a parameter?
  • Stash -

    I've sent you an email with the details about my forum to the addy in your profile. I'm going to be using it as a client support forum, and would rather not publicly post the URL (sorry).

    I've uploaded the original thickbox.js file, and renabled both the JQuery and JQThickBox extensions. I am still getting the missing image error with every page view, regardless of what page it is.

    The specs for the server this is installed on are:

    Operating system: Linux
    Apache version: 1.3.37 (Unix)
    PHP version: 4.4.4
    MySQL version: 4.1.21-standard
  • @Stash: I'm not able to get the [roadtrip] option to work. Should it work?
This discussion has been closed.