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Add-On: New Applicants Count XHR 1.0

dan39dan39 New
edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just created a new add-on. New Applicants Count XHR 1.0 enables widgets to remotely access the New Applicants Count for your site.

Download New Applicants Count XHR 1.0


  • When I activate this add-on, my site blanks out. No output what so ever. The same happens when I try to use Account Pictures. Link to discussion.

    I have tried deactivating all my other extensions, but the same thing happens with just NAC XHR 1.0 activated. Link to forum (in norwegian).
  • When I go to that link, I can see and navigate through your site. Does this only happen when you are logged in?
This discussion has been closed.