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rel="nofollow" add to links

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I just discovered Vanilla today, and I like what I see. In the future I hope to develop a few plugins as I have a fairly active BB (and I'm a bit of a control freak), but at the moment I desperately need to add rel="nofollow" attribute to all links in posts so that Google does not ding my site any time some moron puts up a link to a porn site or something (it happens at least once a day). Better yet, if someone can give me a general idea of how to do this and then let me do it that would be great as I can learn the plugin system while I am at it. It's just the time factor that is giving me problems. I need to have it done quickly. If there is another plugin that makes all posts with links or posts with x amount of links unavailable until approved, that would be great, too. If not, that is probably something I will develop once I get my brain around the plugin system.


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    Well in order to play with how links are formatted, you'd need to check out how the html formatter works. Take a look at that as your first step and see how far you get...I'm afraid regular expressions and whatnot aren't my strong point.
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    I do well with regular expressions. The HTML formatter, huh? I'll see if I can dig up some information on that.
  • Options would be a good starting point. I'd probably suggest but it depends what you're after...
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    I could of sworn the extended text formatter also nofollowed links... but it doesn't look like it does here.
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    Alright, I've finished it: RelNoFollow. Thank you Minisweeper, for the second link.
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    edited January 2007
    Feature request: Please could you make this so it is a role permission? That way, your trusted members can have it off (ooo err!) and the newer members can have it on until they become trusted. Or just Admins and mods for example.

    I'm sure that's not easy to do, but it would be awesome :)

    Also, I noticed that in the default.php line three is:Extension Name: NoFollow
    Instead of:Extension Name: RelNoFollow
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    Oops on the name change. I will see what I can do about the feature request. This is my very first extension - I've only had Vanilla for three days now! :). It will be fun to figure it out, though.
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    Is there any way one can add options to the control panel? I've seen the article on making user preferences, but none on making control panel preferences. If I could integrate straight into the roles page that would be awesome. I just can't find any documentation on how to do it.
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