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a few questions (css/php busting)

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello vanillians,

id like to remove the complete sitepanel from the "index page" ..better known as diskussions list.
is there a way to do that to get there the full width ? (the hide panel extension is buggy and not functional, so this option is gone elsewhere)

the other question is..

where can i change/add a bg color to the profile.

thnaks a lot


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    in the index file remove line 81
    $Page->AddRenderControl($Panel, $Configuration['CONTROL_POSITION_PANEL']);
    then on line 4 in themes/vanilla/styles/stylename/vanilla.css remove this line
    background:#fff url('panelfade.gif') top left repeat-y;
    and then remove line 244 on the same file
    margin:0px 18px 0px 235px;
    and change it to this
    margin:0px 18px 0px 5px;
    have a nice day and check back if it doesn't work ;)
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    thanks man, i appreciate your help , ill check it out
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    allright, the index trick worked very well.

    and now a question ... if i affect the css do i also affect here global attributes for "all" panel elements on all pages?
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    well if the panel is gone, it's gone and it shouldnt throw any errors

    and then if you change the css all you are doing is changing the css for the rest of the page.
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    ah okay, i mean it looks so far good without tweaking the css, the only thing i need to know is how to set the top margin or anyways a margin to set correct attributes to the "All Discussions" title (area) on the index page, because after i altered the index the title is floating now into the header .. hard to explain :/

    ok ill try:

    so there is the title below the header and above those listed latest discussions there ..named : All Discussions... so this buddy (displ. title of the page) is not in place anymore on the index ... its around 20-30 pixel in a higher position as before.

    thx mang
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    well removig the description or the title would help also for now.

    i just figured out, that simple changes on the css are not very effective or userfriendly, if you tweak one line of margin there, than something else is moving with it and further

    very fustrating after a while
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