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Kudos points (or something like that...)

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If there's already a way to do this, just point me in the right direction.

I'd love a way of giving "kudos" points to members in my forum. For me, it wouldn't need to be anything more than a rolling point score that you could either add to by clicking a link on a user's profile, somewhere on a post (like the Thankful People extension) or both.

Another feature of this, though not 100% necessary, would be the facility to display who those "kudos points" came from - probably as a list on the user profile page - like the user's role history. The points themselves could also be displayed on the user profile page, or perhaps as a number in parentheses next to a user's name? (that's probably much more complicated...)

On the one hand, it'd be nice just to be able to give visible kudos between users. On the other, I'm going to be using Vanilla as a forum for young writers, and a kudos system like this could be used as the basis of a rudimentary grading system.

Finally (particularly with the youth forum in mind), it might also be useful for users (admins/tutors) of a certain level to be able to take points away.

Would this be useful for anyone else?


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    a gift/shop system right?
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    edited January 2007
    wow, complex but nifty

    i supose i might be able 2 whip something up when i wake up sometime in the middle of tomorrow

    i like it :D
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    @ Fery - not quite... Maybe you're thinking of WallPhone's "Buy A Drink" extension? I'm just thinking of a way of giving props or kudos, in points form. Almost like voting.

    @ Vincent - thanks for pitching in! I haven't quite got my head around developing for Vanilla, but I'd be more than willing to help test. Let me know what you need...
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    a friend of mine coded for me a bugless extension, its a gift extension, you can set up the currency and howmany points they get per post, then you can set up in the admin interface the gifts (graphics) and you can give them prices , descriptions or whatever.

    now you can buy for a online buddy a present with your points plus you get the ability to post a message below (under your present) to give a reason or a hint to your present...

    all presents are displayed in a subpage of the userprofile. and there is also a second "giftshop" subpage in your profile.

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    Hey fery - sounds interesting, but somewhat different to what I had in mind... Thanks for chiming in, though. I'm guessing that the extension you're referring to isn't publicly available yet? Haven't seen it in the add-ons repository...
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    yeah right its not released yet.

    still hafta do this gnu thing first, but first of all i have to get my forum up and running and at least bugfree.

    probably after then
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    Voting for the best post of the discussion would be fantastic.
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    Hey Mattias - does this do what you're looking for?
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    @ Vincent - just checking in... ;) @ everyone else - anyone else similarly interested in an extension like this?
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    well.... i havent had the time for working on the extension due to work. I have quite a lot of work to do so there's no telling when i'll be able to start...
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    edited January 2007
    what about the thanks plugin. replace the thanks with kudos, I'm sure with lil effort it can count the number of kudos as well
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    I've updated the Thankful extension to show a "Thankyou history" on the account pages:


    Download: Thankful People 1.2
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    good work jazzman
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    i would say a good alternative extension for the kudos idea,

    good job
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    Whoa. Pretty damn cool hack. I've already got Thankful People installed - hadn't thought about a tweak like that. Nice one!
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