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Discussion Filter for new view only?

Is there a search or way to only see discussions with new posts? I'd like to be able to log into the forums and click something to only show the discussions with new posts.


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    Well, providing you've read them all previously, the new ones will be at the top of discussions list and by default show you how many new comments there are on each discussion.
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    Yup thats how it works. A couple people from using phpbb (which has this feature) have really gotten used to just seeing new posts. Thats why I asked.
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    AFAIK no one's created an extension for this yet.
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    There was some talk of using CSS to hide the old comments, rather than making their background white. Downside is once a page is read, it becomes empty.

    This filter shouldn't be too hard to write--just base it on SirNot's Participated Threads--change some function names and tweak the query.
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    NickENickE New
    edited January 2007
    try this:
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    Can you turn water into wine too? That worked like a charm, thanks a bunch!
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