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Question About Firefox and Vanilla

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am a regular participant of a vanilla forum and I use firefox as my browser. One thing that I have noticed is when I scroll down the discussion page and then click on a thread, when I am done reading the thread I click back and it brings me to the top of the discussion page, thus lossing my spot. Is there a simple solution to this problem?? I have noticed that it does not do this with IE7 and have been told that safari is unaffected as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Derek


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    I think that's due to the data expiry headers on the page or something...when you click back firefox actually re-loads all the page information because the forum tells it that the data that was previously there is probably out of date. I think IE and Safari dont do this properly which is why they go back to the place you left at. Technically firefox is displaying the correct behaviour...
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    But is there any way of stoping this because it becomes a major pain when you have to go find your spot again after reading a thread
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    Open your thread in a new tab (ctrl/command click), keeping your discussion page untouched.
    AFAIK, the back button does not imply a page reload, so the user agent can choose to reload or not. In Safari, if you go back the page is not reloaded, unless you ask for.
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    It is a pain, and Vanilla isin't the only one affected:,_Expire-headers_and_Firefox's_back_button.html /me puts on his thinking cap.
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