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Just Noticed...

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I did not realise that if you start a new discussion with a whisper, the whole discussion is marked [Private] and only you and the whisper-ee can see the entire discussion.
Cool indeed. pic

Posted: Wednesday, 24 January 2007 at 9:29AM (AEDT)


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    That's what makes the whisper function equivalent to and better than other forums PM systems...
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    I did not realise that if you start a new discussion with a whisper, the whole discussion is marked [Private] and only you and the whisper-ee can see the entire discussion.

    Sweet. ;)

    That's what makes the whisper function equivalent to and better than other forums PM systems...

    I do absolutely agree.
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    yep i like it, now only if anyone could make a whisper sticky then it would be perfect.
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    y2kbg, you mean kinda like this?
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    kinda, but if you gave someone the power to stickie stuff.... i believe it could result in abuse. They should only be able to stickie whispers
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    They should only be able to stickie whispers

    May I ask what for?
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    Seems to me that such a whisper would already rise to the top if there were any new comments.
    Maybe it should stick only for the correspondents, in any case, nobody else would see it.

    Posted: Wednesday, 24 January 2007 at 10:23AM (AEDT)

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    i meant general users
    and i have already said why:
    ""i believe it could result in abuse.""
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    Then you misunderstood me.

    Give everyone the ability to stickie ANYTHING they like, but only THEY can see that it's stickied ;)
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    ohh that would be neat but a little more complicated, but don't bookmarks already give that functionality?
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    edited January 2007
    ""i believe it could result in abuse.""

    I missed the word 'only', sorry.

    ...but don't bookmarks already give that functionality?

    That's what I was thinking about. Imagine you want to keep a look at 10 whispers with the help of stickies. This would make the discussions page very dysfunctional.
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    This functionality is very cool. It has taken me a bit to get used to the different type of format used, but overall I'm liking Vanilla a lot.
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    y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited January 2007
     Quote: jeremy2  That's what I was thinking about. Imagine you want to keep a look at 10 whispers with the help of stickies. This would make the discussions page very dysfunctional.

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    That's up to the user to decide no?

    I would certainly find it very useful to sticky one or two threads on here temporarily from time to time.
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    If anybody does personal stickies, don't forget about personal sink!
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    Personal sink and stickies would be great IMO :)
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    >That's what makes the whisper function equivalent to and better than other forums PM systems...

    it makes it _better_ because its much more a pm now in this way as then without this method ?

    whispering is whispering, pm'ing is pm'ing, a hotdog is not a pizza and a quaterpounder is not a coke.
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    Personal sink and stickies would be great , I agree, that would rock!
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    Here's an almost useless feature: You can whisper discussions to yourself. Not only is it a great way to talk to yourself without others thinking you are crazy, but for those of us who don't have the "Preview Post" extension installed yet you can test things out without having it visible to the whole world.
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    And you can use this feature as a memo, which is not useless at all.
This discussion has been closed.