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Dateless (not desperate)

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Set the scene...
I have a locked sticky comment containing an intro to the podcast category.
I update it every so often with the latest podcast episode.
I just updated it for January 2007 and the date beside the post still says Nov 22nd 2006 edited.

Is there a way, besides manually editing the database, of having such a comment NOT display the date?

An extension maybe?
Perhaps writing a blank string to the relevant field in the database?

Posted: Wednesday, 24 January 2007 at 10:34AM (AEDT)


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    Wanderer, I have nothing useful to offer, except to tell you I am so encouraged that you are emotionally stable about your situation! : ) (translation: I liked your discussion title!)
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    "emotional stability" hmmmmm, now I know there's a couple of members here who would argue with that! pic

    Posted: Wednesday, 24 January 2007 at 1:06PM (AEDT)

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    like who...
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    you could make another column in the comments table and then change the TimeDiff() function to check if it's there... it isnt availiable exactly right now to be a small and simple extension but it could easily be done manually
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