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Board does not load: White Screen.

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey everyone. I had been running my Vanilla board fairly well for a couple weeks now until just now. I was working on a couple things • Editing my custom CSS style • Putting multiple lines in the ANNOUNCEMENT extention When my settings.php page went blank, which led to nothing loading at all. I thought it was the announcement extention messing up so I logged into my server and removed the extention manually, but that didn't help. Then, I assumed there was a CSS error, so I removed my folder with my custom Style, but that also did not help. Then I uploaded the default .php files in the root DIR incase on of the ones on my server had gotten messed with, but no luck. I'm not sure what to do at this point and I don't want to lose what is in my database. Can someone please help me


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    If there is a discussion somewhere that touches on this, I haven't found it. I've seen people with similar problems but no good advice for fixing it. try me on AIM (makeupwords)
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    It's the Announcement add-on. When you put hard returns in it, it messes up the settings.php file. You could edit it and look for the announcement settings. You should see that it "broke" the announcement. Remove the hard returns so that it word wraps and you'll be okay.

    I did the same thing.
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    edited January 2007
    Thanks Jimw. Since i've taken the Announcement add-on off the server, as well as replace the settings.php file, shouldn't it work now? I still have a blank white page.
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    Bingo. It was the conf/settings.php I needed to replace. I was replacing the wrong settings. Thanks.
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