All extensions disabled: error "Failed to read the extensions"

The error reads: Some problems were encountered Failed to read the extensions file:/host/.server/account/ directory/conf/extensions.php The error shows the path of my host. I see how that would cause a problem. Ideas? Thanks!


  • Does the file exist? If not, create an empty one and make it readable/writeable. If it's there, it could be that it's not readable.
  • Thanks. It does exist; shows 0kb; access time on the file shows the time that I accessed the ../../settings.php?PostBackAction=Extensions page. Not sure if that mattered or not.
  • Well if it's 0kb your forum is having difficulty writing to it. What permissions are on it at the moment?
  • edited January 2007
    Not sure. I keep trying to figure-out how to CHMOD.
    Properties in FTP program {firefox - FIRE FTP} -- Owner: Read/Write, Group: Read, Public: Read
  • I think you need to try changing them all to read/write if you can..
  • all are read/write, still the same problem. None are 'execute'.
  • Errr....should be working fine then. Try adding execute to them all and see if it makes a difference - your host might have a funky setup.
  • This just recently happened to me as well. same exact thing I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
  • extensions.php PHP script 0 dejitaru pg116551 rw-r--r-- Feb 25 08:34 View Edit Open
  • actually nevermind found an older post added
    and fixed it.
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