Category Sort by drag & drop don't Work.

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello When I am trying to change the sort of Categories, I can drag and drop there but after a refresh or just login as normal user I see no changes. Is there any other way to change the sort of Categories.??


  • You could go into the database and edit the indexes aught to work the proper way though...
  • You don't have NoScript active in fx2 do you? Just a random thought...
  • I checked out the database there is nothing wrong. The Categories are in the right Sorting with right IDs. It may be hidden in an another File, but I can find it. I tested the ajax in Opera and IE but no changes, I can move the Categories but the new sorting won't save and after a F5 all are the same as before. Any Ideas?
  • edited October 2007
    yes I've just noticed this issue too (a forum search brought me to this being the only thread about it) I'm using a mac and have tried safari, firefox and mozilla but without luck, also tried using a different forum account do you think it could be an extension conflict error?
  • Bumpity-bump! Anyone managed to figure this one out yet? I need to move a category down a couple of levels, but can't work out how to do it! I'm using the same spec as conradslater above (Mac/Firefox/Safari). Any help appreciated.
  • When you try to move the categories by dragging, do they go back to their original position, instead of where you are trying to drop them? If so, I had this problem and found that if you move the cursor towards the 'edit' (right hand side) and try dragging / dropping, it worked fine. Having said that, my categories (which were in order a few days ago) are now showing in the order which they were input from the start discussion -> choose category screen (even though they are in the correctly placed order in the settings -> category screen) Can anybody help, Please ?
  • This issue was resolved for me when I updated to 1.1.4
  • Rabbit: I can't even grab and drag them at all! The text just highlights, as though I'm grabbing standard html text. conradslater: I am using 1.1.4 too. Hmmmm... Wonder what the problem is...
  • edited January 2008
    chr!s, have a look here, does this help?

    Role order dragging doesn't work! # 4
  • Thank you! That worked a treat (so far, anyway!). Much appreciated.
This discussion has been closed.