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How to use Gmail as default email server for site?

edited March 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm using Google for my domain email... what settings do I need to put into the Vanilla SMTP fields in order for Vanilla to use my Gmail server vs. my local server? or am I fooling myself?


  • I don't think you can use google because it use ssl. I think you will have to change the way vanilla support smtp connections.
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited February 2007
    If you need only a handful of accounts, you can: 1) Have your mail forwarded to your Gmail account. 2) Go to your GMail and go to Settings->Accounts and add your respective email addresses to the "Send mail as" section. All of your emails will seamlessly be sent and received as though they go to and from your domain. If you need many accounts, I believe you need to sign up for Google Apps for your domain:
  • right.. that's what I did... I set up my domain's MX record to use Gmail as the default mail app. Now when I sign up a dummy account, Vanilla is not sending an email to the admin account.
  • Do you need vanilla to send the mail directly to the gmail smtp server? Or can you use your own smtp server that will forward your mail to gmail? For the first option, vanilla doesn't support tls connection.
  • thanks dinobuff... will see what I can tweak to get this running the way i need it to.
  • edited March 2007
    Boff, Dino Boff...

    If you need to use the google server directly, you might just need to set SMTP host to and change the protocol use in Framework.Class.Email.php line 184. Change:if (!($Socket = fsockopen($SMTPHost, $SMTPPort, $ErrorNumber, $ErrorString, 15))) {forif (!($Socket = fsockopen('tls://'.$SMTPHost, $SMTPPort, $ErrorNumber, $ErrorString, 15))){
  • dinobuff... sounds like something you polish your lizard with ;)
  • That functions and that solved my problem with the email @yahoo.* thanks
  • Google SMTP accepts SSL connections only, hence the need for 'tls://'.

    Note also that there is a max. of 250-ish outgoing emails and/or email recipients a day
    if you use the SMTP server (or 450-ish if you use the google email interface)
  • Is it possible to continue using the local mailserver even after I've configured my MX records to use GMail via their Apps for Your Domain product?

    I originally had Vanilla configured to use but after modifying the MX records to use GMail extensions like Notify no longer work.

    I don't want to use GMail for SMTP because of the 250 message limit that TomTester references below.

    Any ideas?
  • Is the local mailserver running on the same machine as the forum? If so you could try just using localhost or as the server.
  • Anyone come up with a solution for this? I have the same issue.
  • edited November 2008
    Dino's last suggestion works like a charm, way to go Dino! The line is actually line 202. But does not work when trying to use the invite friends extension.
  • @Dinoboff your suggestion works! I use Google Apps. Thank you!
  • Thanks Dinoboff! I don't have to send individual confirmation emails by hand anymore!
  • I'm having some trouble with this. I've changed the port to 465 and also tried 587.

    I the server set to

    I get the following fatal error:
    Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to tls:// (Connection refused) in /homepages/17/d235498828/htdocs/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.Email.php on line 202

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred

    Technical information (for support personel):

    Error Message
    Could not connect to SMTP host
    Affected Elements
    The error occurred on or near: 111: Connection refused

    For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:

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