Yeah, rewrite your own TextFormatter (see the source code somewhere in the library/ directory), and replace its reference with your new TextFormatter. did it once, lost the code, it was pretty trivial. Didn't try it with the ObjectFactory->SetReference though, I just did something like
or whatever it is... too lazy to look at the source and try it out right now, but it worked!
ahh lech my dear boy, you're forgetting that smilies arent actually smilies. Theyre animated gifs which just happen to have a face in them somewhere... They've branched out to smilies holding signboards requesting that you read the search feature and all sorts now! Typing is *so* old fashioned.
its a whole new language. How do you know what the english for 'by the way i suck cock and i'm too lazy to type so i'm gonna use a shitty smiley' is? You learn it!
it's very true - since it's planet-tolkien smilies this set even include orc's and elves, and just to be really annoying quite a few christmas ones too; aside from the basic faces most are in the format :word: theres a crib sheet included in the archive on the current site there's a drop down list that inserts it automaticly and at some point i'm going to have to figure out how to put that into Vanilla.
its a whole new language. How do you know what the english for 'by the way i suck cock and i'm too lazy to type so i'm gonna use a shitty smiley' is? You learn it!
but funny. you must admit.
I miss this place. I am back at school and just don't ALL the free time I had before to hang out here. I will try and spend an hour here every night to help out and stay on top of things though.
On a more serious note, I think 110 smilies is a little over the top. I am glad it is an extension. That is all I can say.
whats wrong with it lech? And yeah nathan, i tend to spend some time every day catching up on all the threads then spamming some more junk for a while. it's good.
Even i agree it's a bit over the top, you could easily cut about 50% of them and still have too many. Unfortunately my site members expressed a desire for them to stay - least 60% of the 5000 members asked for them in the poll i took! Plus it took quite a long time to get them all in there so i thought i'd share them - there may be other simily addicted sites out there who need an ork grinning and snowman.
has anyone noticed that this site is now absent?
how did this extension work?
has anyone got the original archive for potential distribution?
smiles would be a nice addition.
mini, that's wrong on so many levels.