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Smilies Extension



  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    hey ghazi, nice work!
  • Thanks, that's definitely a solution. However, does anyone know how to make it apply to the normal Text setting without the need for another option?
  • Yeah, rewrite your own TextFormatter (see the source code somewhere in the library/ directory), and replace its reference with your new TextFormatter. did it once, lost the code, it was pretty trivial. Didn't try it with the ObjectFactory->SetReference though, I just did something like StringFormatter->formatters['text']=$mySmiliesFormatter; or whatever it is... too lazy to look at the source and try it out right now, but it worked!
  • I built on Ghazi's excellent work and added the full icon set from planet-tolkien. So here's a version with 110 more smilies BBCode+110
  • 110 smilies?! are there even that many facial expressions possible in the human face?!
  • ahh lech my dear boy, you're forgetting that smilies arent actually smilies. Theyre animated gifs which just happen to have a face in them somewhere... They've branched out to smilies holding signboards requesting that you read the search feature and all sorts now! Typing is *so* old fashioned.
  • how do you know what the bbcode is for 110 smilies? surely you don't learn them all!
  • its a whole new language. How do you know what the english for 'by the way i suck cock and i'm too lazy to type so i'm gonna use a shitty smiley' is? You learn it!
  • it's very true - since it's planet-tolkien smilies this set even include orc's and elves, and just to be really annoying quite a few christmas ones too; aside from the basic faces most are in the format :word: theres a crib sheet included in the archive on the current site there's a drop down list that inserts it automaticly and at some point i'm going to have to figure out how to put that into Vanilla.
  • its a whole new language. How do you know what the english for 'by the way i suck cock and i'm too lazy to type so i'm gonna use a shitty smiley' is? You learn it!

    mini, that's wrong on so many levels.
  • but funny. you must admit. I miss this place. I am back at school and just don't ALL the free time I had before to hang out here. I will try and spend an hour here every night to help out and stay on top of things though. On a more serious note, I think 110 smilies is a little over the top. I am glad it is an extension. That is all I can say.
  • whats wrong with it lech? And yeah nathan, i tend to spend some time every day catching up on all the threads then spamming some more junk for a while. it's good.
  • edited 2005 17
    Even i agree it's a bit over the top, you could easily cut about 50% of them and still have too many. Unfortunately my site members expressed a desire for them to stay - least 60% of the 5000 members asked for them in the poll i took! Plus it took quite a long time to get them all in there so i thought i'd share them - there may be other simily addicted sites out there who need an ork grinning and snowman.
  • has anyone noticed that this site is now absent? how did this extension work? has anyone got the original archive for potential distribution? smiles would be a nice addition.
  • Smilies.... also on my todo-develop-extension list :D Just waiting for Vanillia 0.9.3..... don't wanna do things twice :D
  • edited 2005 23
    will 0.9.3 really be so completely different?
  • Well... don't know exactly. In this case I don't think the StringManipulator will be much different. But you never know what Mark's up to :P
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