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[resolve] charset problem for a french vanila user

edited 2007 26 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello I just install a new vanilla 1.0.3 on beta test and there I have a charset problem in the search page in france we use accent like "ça, être, l'aube, éspérance.....çéèêî...." in the index.php page there is no problem the problem apear only on the search page as you can see on this page : the accent are badely converted with :    or boîte for boîte something like a uft-8 read as a iso why only on the search.php page ? How can I fix it ?


  • Hey there. As a french user too, I ran into a similar problem a while ago. Have a look at this discussion, it may help. The patch can be found here, hoping you're running on MySQL 4.1 or higher.

    It's not exactly the same problem, but it may be related to yours. About the search comment form, I noticed it doesn't display formatted text. It's "normal" to get stuff like [quote]blablabla[/quote] if you use BBCode, for example. But accents should work. Which text formatter extension are you using? If you don't use the HTML formatter, you should try to install it. And if you already do, well... I've no idea.
  • thanks for you answer, have a similar problem in a way is be one of the part of the world I use the tinymce editor I check your link to see if he could help me to resolve it ! thanks again !
  • argh ! I check your link and my poor english speaking don't give me enought to understand do you speak french ? do I have to change a script.php ? Or the search.php page ? or convert the database from a latin_general_ci to a uft-8_spanish ? or parse the mysql database require with a string php code ? thanks, in case
  • ah excelent oui je vais testé (excelent I will test without the tinymce and ad the better bcc code) to see if it's working
  • hahah 'French Vanilla'. i want a coffee now!
  • I don't know why you laught but may be the joke is "all the french vanilla forum use to have this probleme" is it ?
  • Coffee Flavor Hahaha
  • edited 2007 20 grrrr !
  • lol
  • hello my name is laurent, a vanilla french user, and I have a bug with the charset in the search.php page how can I do a magic think like fix it ?
  • few week later : hello the probleme is resolve The bug was depending to tinymce as the great 0 said then I use the extention bcc code and remove tinymce in fact the real solution is to configure tinymce thanks for all folk
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