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Add-on for custom formatting syntax? Extended Transmogrifier perhaps?

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
There are a few add-ons for different types of formatting, but afaik there is no simple way to adapt the formatting to your own needs (without rewriting the add-ons of course).

I'm thinking of something like the "transmogrifier" but with support for start and end tags. It really should be pretty straight forward, say that you have it look for [scream] and transforms it to something like <p class="scream"> but only of it can also find a [/scream] to replace with </p> If it can't find a pair, it simply doesn't parse it.

That would allow for your own take on user friendly styling, with such things as .: and :. for making text bold, or ./ and /. for making it italic, etc...



  • Options
    The 2nd thing you're talking about is kinda like markdown or textile, so it's been done to death already. Creating your own custom set of things is, IMO, pointless as you're just going to confuse people - go with something that is already around.

    The first thing you already can do using the BBCodeParser. All you have to do is edit one of the filter files and you're done :)
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