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Cant even log in after new install?

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I installed Vanilla via godaddys metropolis site and everything seemed to go well. I was prompted to put in a admin username and password, so I did. I then received a email stating that vanilla has been installed and the email gave me a url to follow. Once there I was prompted for a username and password - So I put in my admin username and password. But, this did not work. I tried over and over to log in, but, I cannot. I then uninstalled and reinstalled and tried again. Same results. What am I doing wrong here? Seems I cant even get started on the right track. Thanks


  • Are you logging in with or without 'remember me' ticked? Have you asked the godaddy help if they know of any issues/can see anything wrong?
  • Remember me is unchecked - yes I did call godaddy and they said I would have to come to this forum since they dont support any of the metropolis stuff - ha - image that!
  • Have you tried with it checked?
  • yeah tried it both ways - Also this might help I didnt install this in the "root directory" - its more like I also just tried to change the permissions from 777 to 666 still no joy. Shouldnt there be a file where I can read the users names and passwords. I am using dreamweaver btw for ftp access. So, I can see everything that was installed.
  • You'd need to access the database to check usernames and passwords, and usernames are encrypted. Have you tried re-requesting your password on the login form?
  • thats the problem - I can get to the site fine - but when I try to do anything at all the site is asking me to log in.
  • edited February 2007
    weird okay - so now I get page cannot be found when I try to log in. haha - better nothing nothing at this point - haha - looks like the site is looking for people.php and cannont find it. Its there I can assure you that. OHHHHHHHHHH - wait a minute. everytime I try to log on the site is bouncing me to and not - I noticed that if I dont put www in I cannot get to the forum - hmm
  • okay okay - so if I click apply for membership or forgot password it jumps to with no ww and goes to page cannot be displayed. should I install on the root?
  • If you browse to conf/settings.php and open it up, there will be a bunch of settings in there referencing not Change all those and re-upload it and see if that helps atall.
  • I will try in a few hours - Thanks for your help. I'll be posting later.
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