The banner at the top of the page that says Swell Blog | Documentation | Community | Get Vanilla | Vanilla Add-ons LUSSUMO is a custom extension. There's also an adsense one I wrote for myself. And finally I wrote another custom extension to add the FAQ and Troubleshooting tabs up in the forum menu.
The top-bar extension would be of GREAT help since the Stuff Displayer is not perfect untill the bug regarding the crashed forum is fixed. The Adsense extension sounds also very interesting Mark. Maybe you can give us this extension (unsupported or something)? :) (please?) ... :D
@Stash - yes, I wrote my topbar before sirnot had written the page manager. Plus, I don't need any extra overhead, just a dump of some html at the top of the page.
@iternity - There's an existing adsense extension, I believe (check the addons site). I won't be releasing either of those, but I am working on something neato for the community. You can use what wallphone suggested, too...
My kingdom for an Object Manager! i.e. a Page Manager for objects, to manage object content ('snippets'), placement (pre/post certain page elements) and rights!
So you're not using SirNot's page manager... is that because it wasn't around when you needed to do that?
@iternity - There's an existing adsense extension, I believe (check the addons site). I won't be releasing either of those, but I am working on something neato for the community. You can use what wallphone suggested, too...
Something like Stuff displayer u mean
object content ('snippets'), placement (pre/post certain page elements) and rights!