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Users having trouble logging in

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Due to having my site moved from one server to another there was a billing mix up and my site was suspended. In order to get everything back and working again I had to change my ip addresses which seemed to work fine. A couple of people on my site are having trouble logging in at their works, and when they can they seem to be seeing the database from just before the suspension. Does anyone know why this would happen and how I could fix it?


  • does anyone have any idea why this would happen? some folks still can't log in from their work and they did not have the site blocked.
  • OK i'm pretty sure i posted in this discussion... What do you mean when you say you moved the server? And changing IPs? And if they see the database pre suspension, if they add stuff to it, does it get added to the 'live' forum? This seems like a pretty wierd situation...
  • I'm not the best with this stuff, but i was told the suspension was a malfunction with the billing software due to a network switch. they tried to fix it, but then told me i had to change my ip addresses because my sites were being retrieved from the old server. i did all that but two guys who work for the same business seem to be logging in to the old server still. they see pages from 6 days ago but its as if back in time. the place they work for is super laid back and have no problem with them visiting the forum while at work and they said they haven't blocked any ips on their end. is there anyway to fix this sort of thing?
  • Sounds like it's probably a DNS issue to me, but... if they add stuff to it, does it get added to the 'live' forum?
  • they are able to start threads and post on the server that they are accessing. the rest of us on the new server don't see it.
  • Sounds to me like there are two separate forums running, one in the old place, and one in the new place. Perhaps it's just a DNS issue, that the new IP needs to propagate, in which case everyone should be on the same forum in about a day.
  • yeah thats what i think is happening. its been like 4 days now and still not totally propagated.
  • edited March 2007
    Get the guys to click start->run, type in 'cmd'->OK->type in 'nslookup'->enter->copy/paste the results in here. Where is the domain your forum is running on. You'll get something like:
    C:\Documents and Settings\badassg>nslookup Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address:
    Is the IP that it gives the new one or the old one? If you do the same on your own machine you may notice a difference.
  • yes...the ip they come back with is a different one then i am getting. i get they get Is there anyway to fix this?
  • 10.x.x.x are not local ip?
  • @ Dinobuff - i don't think i understand. does a 10.x.x.x ip address mean they are seeing their router and not the old server?
  • also...i contacted my host and asked what could be going wrong. they said that they don't think its a server side issue and assumed they were seeing a cached version of the site. this would make sense except that they were able to access the old database and post to it. the host suspended the account on that server and they are now seeing the suspension page.
  • the 10.x.x.x range of IP addresses is assigned by IANA as private network address space - those addresses are not routable across the internet and therefore if they are getting a response of that address technically that's an address within their LAN. Are you sure they're providing you with the last ip (72.3... in my example) not the first one (213.230...)?
  • ok... i had them try it again and they got the old server ips. how do i direct them to the new one?
  • Well, based on the assumption that the 10.x address they gave you in the first instance is a local DNS Server they have running on their network, one way would be to get them to make sure that server wasnt unduly caching addresses for an excessive length of time. If they have no control over that then either: 1) Get them to force use of different DNS servers (I wouldnt really recommend this on the basis that their pc's are probably set up to use their local DNS server for one reason or another). If you do want to give this a shot then: start->my computer->select 'My Network Places' on the left hand side->select 'view Network Connections' on the left hand side->right click the active network adapter in the main pane->properties->highlight Internet Protocol TCP/IP->Properties->select 'Use the following DNS Server addresses' and enter Preferred DNS Server as (my personal preference, feel free to use any other DNS Servers if you have your own preference) OR 2) Get them to open up c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add new.server.ip.number <tab> I hope those instructions are sufficient but beware that based on my initial sentance I dont really recommend either of the options. They should do the trick though.
  • is there any reason why they couldn't reach the site by going the ip route? ...and thanks for the help. :)
  • That depends how your server is set up. Obviously in this case they can but different apache configurations sometimes dont allow it. It also means that cookies and various other bits and pieces sometimes wouldnt work...
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