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Including the panel elsewhere?
I'm currently working on a single column theme (almost similar to MiniVanilli or Dreamless) that requires the panel to be included just below the page title.
Here is before and after examples.


I've tried to include the panel.php file, copy/paste the contents but to no avail
I also tried just hard coding them in, but hit a snag with things like permissions on users' profiles and bookmarking/unbookmarking threads.
So can anyone help me here?
Here is before and after examples.


I've tried to include the panel.php file, copy/paste the contents but to no avail

I also tried just hard coding them in, but hit a snag with things like permissions on users' profiles and bookmarking/unbookmarking threads.
So can anyone help me here?

This discussion has been closed.
in vanilla.css, add use this for the links
#Panel a { padding-right: 5px; }
and then use this, though i haven't tested it out yet
<?php // Note: This file is included from the library/Framework/Framework.Control.Panel.php class. echo '<div id="Panel">'; // Add the start button to the panel if ($this->Context->Session->UserID > 0 && $this->Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_START_DISCUSSION')) { $CategoryID = ForceIncomingInt('CategoryID', 0); if ($CategoryID == 0) $CategoryID = ''; echo '<a href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, 'post.php', 'category/', 'CategoryID', $CategoryID).'">' .$this->Context->GetDefinition('StartANewDiscussion') .'</a>'; } $this->CallDelegate('PostStartButtonRender'); while (list($Key, $PanelElement) = each($this->PanelElements)) { $Type = $PanelElement['Type']; $Key = $PanelElement['Key']; if ($Type == 'List') { $sReturn = ''; $Links = $this->Lists[$Key]; if (count($Links) > 0) { ksort($Links); $sReturn .= '<b>'.$Key.'</b> '; while (list($LinkKey, $Link) = each($Links)) { $sReturn .= ' <a '.($Link['Link'] != '' ? 'href="'.$Link['Link'].'"' : '').' '.$Link['LinkAttributes'].'>' .$Link['Item']; if ($Link['Suffix'] != '') $sReturn .= ' <span>'.$this->Context->GetDefinition($Link['Suffix']).'</span>'; $sReturn .= '</a>'; } } echo $sReturn; } elseif ($Type == 'String') { echo strip_tags($this->Strings[$Key], "<b><i><a><strong><span><font>"); } } $this->CallDelegate('PostElementsRender'); echo '</div> <div id="Content">'; ?>
What I meant was that I'm having trouble including the panel in a different place from where it is. If I try to add things such as page title and pagination inside of the panel.php file, I get errors.
As for the css, I just haven't gotten around to styling it yet
Minisweeper: Haha yeah.
Here is a larger shot, so you can see what I mean (right click for larger).
And by pagination I meant "(1 to 4 of 4)".
For now I'll just hardcode the links in, which partially solves my problem.
i was having the same problem and gave up on it.
do you plan on releasing this style???
add this to the bottom of global.js...
function cleanLoad(){ var relocatePanel = document.getElementById("panel").innerHTML; document.getElementById("relocated_panel").innerHTML = relocatePanel; }
open up head.php and you will see this line all the way at the bottom..
<body'.$BodyId.' '.$this->Context->BodyAttributes.'>';
replace that line with this...
<body onload="cleanLoad()" '.$BodyId.' '.$this->Context->BodyAttributes.'>';
now, upload your global.js and head.php - you are now setup to relocate anything within your vanilla environment.
now wrap everything in the panel.php file that you want to relocate like so..
echo '<div id="panel" style="display:none;">'; everything in panel you want to relocate goes here! echo '</div>';
then open up the file where you want this stuff at, and do this..
echo '<div id="relocated_panel"> </div>';
upload everything and there you go.
Outbreak: I wasn't planning on it since I didn't expect anyone to be interested, but if you are I'll release it in a few weeks
Could be a while
Keep up the good work. =o)