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vanilla only for ppl who enable javascript?



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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I plan on removing that "you must read the tos" thing in the next rev. It annoys too many people.
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    What about an option to just display it within an iframe or textarea either with or before you can even see the membership application form. At least they can't say they didn't see it. I guess this would be for those few who might still want it. I've had no issues with it what-so-ever.
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    yeah, i think it would be good to have it as an optional clickthrough. optional for the admin, i mean.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    just a note: i'm posting this from my ipaq and it works just fine :)
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    :P, If you still have the 'I have read the terms and conditons' button, next to the to link, and an amin option to FORCE them to read it, then I can't see it being a problem. I know we are talking js here, but I think the pop-up is important, so maybe an iframe or something. I would still have ot have them forced to read it (at least the option).
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    Just include it into half of the body (top/left/bottom/right) along with with
    overflow: scroll; to display nicely :)
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    im posting this from my psp. it has javascript enabled. anyway l think its time to move on. when someone like google uses it in major applications its time to take notice.
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    l think its time to move on. when someone like google uses it in major applications its time to take notice.

    Interesting though - Gmail actually does have an alternate JS-free interface.

    I sort of think that it makes sense for Vanilla to work sans JS. I mean, what's the point of having a table-free layout? Accessibility, right? Just seems a bit strange to cater to people who, for example, use a screen reader, but not to people who have JS turned off (or use some old school browser like Lynx).

    Just my $0.02. :)
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    Interesting though - Gmail actually does have an alternate JS-free interface.

    That sounds pretty cool, how can I access it?
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    Can't remeber off the top of my head, but I think if you have JS disabled, it will load into that mode, and you can select the simple (could be called html) mode for viewing. it is up the top somewhere. Sorry can't be much more help.
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    edited July 2005
    I plan on removing that "you must read the tos" thing in the next rev. It annoys too many people.

    oh yes please do (or at least leave it as an option) I would be soooo happy :)
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    there's a link at the bottom of the gmail inbox that says "basic HTML" and my two cents: we can worry about the accesibility of this later. once the documentation is up. i'll agree that it might need to be a 1.0 feature, but let's make that a 0.9.9 feature.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Since reading this thread, I have been thinking more and more about how to accomplish the non-AJAX methods of doing stuff. It will require quite a bit of work if I'm not allowed ANY javascript at all. I mean, just skipping the XmlHttpRequest stuff would be pretty easy, but No javascript? When was the last time you programmed a site with NO javascript? I haven't done that in years.
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    lol mark, too true. Everything I've done in the last few years has required JS somewhere down the line.

    I am thinking about implementing some nifty AJAX stuff though when I get the basics of my forum sorted. Should be sweet.
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