Show new topics/comments on categories

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a way to show on categories page that there are new topics or comments in a category. Not how much, just a little "new" or something that i can see that in this category is a new topic or comment. Like it is in "normal" forums.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Sounds like a nice add-on to me...
  • For me too :-) But i don´t know how to do it
  • Any hint for me how i can do this. I am not a PHP programmer, but maybe i can try it. Please help me
  • You should look at the categories.php file to see how it works.
  • Sure thank you, i know this, but i don´t know how i can show new topics/comments in the categories.php file.
  • I'll look at it later when I get home.
  • Thank you, i hope you can help me :-)
  • There is an extension called LatestDiscussionPrime which does what you want, but adds it to the side panel. Take a look at that extension.
  • Thank you for your help. The Latest Discussion Prime extension shows only the latest discussions. I like to show the unread discussions/comments for members who are loged in the forum like the small "New xx" in every discussion in the "Discussions" page. Is there only one unread discussion/comment for a member in a category so it should show a small "new" in the categorie on "Categrories" page.
  • That extension does show a New and the number of new comments in the discussion.
  • Okay, but how can i show a "new" on every category when there is a new discussion or comment in it for the member? This extension shows it in the sidebar like it is in "Diskussions" page. Not very usefull for me. I need it directly in the "Categories" page. It is like i said, i am not a PHP freak, so please can somebody help me.

    Here the first category from this forum and the "new" i would like to have it:

    • Category Random

    • Category description Don't know where to post your comments? Do it here.

    • Discussions 1548    Options Block category    new
  • I'm looking into how to do that. I just wanted you to see something that (I think) meets your needs but should be in the actual Category list.
  • The reason for this is my visitors likes the categories page as starting page in the forum. So they should see in which category are new discussion/comment since last visit. Like it is in other forums. Some visitors are interessted only in one or some category, so they don´t like to search in the discussions page for topics with the right category.

    With the Latest Discussion Prime extension they only see a part of it.
  • edited March 2007
    I have used the Latest Discussion Prime extension as a guide to make one that shows by the same information by Category. I can't figure out how to add this information to the Category list. If someone else could advise me, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, I will upload this shortly.

    Edit: I have a version of the Category list working now on my forum. If you would like to check it out, I would appreciate any feedback.
  • Where can i see your forum?
  • I am having bandwidth problems on my site and it is unavailable at the moment. Sorry.
  • I take a look on it, but it is not the right one for me.

    Is there no why to look in the database and check if there is a unread comment in a category and display beside the category-name a little "new" in that case?

    Please help me, i will switch from my SMF to Vanilla. I searched the last days for alternativ forums, but there are only overloaded monsters with horrible code :-(

    Vanilla is the best, but my visitors require the categories view as startpage - with "new" display besite the category.

    Please, please, please
  • edited March 2007
    I am working on this and almost have a solution.

    Edit: I have a solution in which I modified the categories.php file.
  • Thank you Jim, a modified categories.php is no problem for me :-)

    Can you please send it to me.
  • so whatever happened with this? i'd like something like this as well.
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