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i'd like to add links next to my comment box

edited 2007 22 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
these would be javascript insert links to paste preformatted text into the comment area for easy linking / image posting etc. any idea on how to do this? i would prefer an extension, rather than hacking any theme files around! thanks in advance, guys and girls! :D


  • Try the Quicktags extension with HTML Formatter.
    Both work out of the box, no hacking required.

    Posted: Wednesday, 14 March 2007 at 11:00AM (AEDT)

  • pretty cool, but slightly overkill, imo :)

    i'm looking for something a little more like this -

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Well, if you have some programming knowledge and the gumption, you could take the two extensions suggested by Wanderer and use them as guidelines to create your own...
  • hmmn, i was all out of gumption :( hehe
  • *bump*
  • Is that Yay's post box? Isn't Yay built on 'nilla?
  • yay is custom built from the ground up, and they're not giving it away any time soon

    i've asked:)
  • b->ump :)
  • Instead of bumping this thread, the time over the past month could have been better spent to learn how to code your own side panel or hacking an existing add-on to meet your needs.
  • edited 2007 15
    the time over the past month was distributed over a full-time job, freelance work and bringing up my baby son, among other things - but thanks for your input, lech.
  • edited 2007 22
    i did just that and then throwed it away. you will have ur snippets list on the side, you click on the snippet and it sends a code to the textarea. and also highlights and moves ur cursor to the things you have to edit. the idea was to use the snippets to better post vanilla code on this forum. the code was taken from Mootools forum (using postEditor 2
  • That post editor ROCKS - make it Schiz, make it!
  • damn, that's pretty sweet.
This discussion has been closed.