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can't see extensions listed, but perms look right.

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi. I have a situation where if I go to the Extensions area of the admin panel I don't see any extensions listed at all, even though my extensions folder is full of extension folders. Interestingly though, if I manually edit conf/extenions.php with the lines to enable the extensions, then the extensions get enabled. Yet still I can't see any of the extenions listed in the admin panel to toggle them on or off. My extensions directory is recursively readable/writeable to all. Has anyone seen this before or have any thoughts to offer? Thanks!


  • do you have permissions? are you sure you have the right role? this is the only thing i can think off..
  • I'm logged in as the admin role so I have pretty much the most access I can have. I see the Extensions Option in the side panel, it just thinks I have no extensions available to enable.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You could try stepping into the code and echoing some things to see what happens when the control attempts to read the filesystem.
  • I just did a fresh install (fresher than my previous install) and the results were the same. I have two basic extensions in the extensions directory but Vanilla isn't seeing them so I can't enable them. Mark, what file would I put some echo lines into to debug?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's what I meant: try stepping into the code and echoing some things to see what happens when the control attempts to read the filesystem.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Look at line 164 of library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php (in the DefineExtensions function)...
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