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how is the delete function works in vanilla?

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i think it only removes the comments or discussions from the page not database. if it is right doesnt this expand the database needlessly?


  • you are correct in that the default delete function does not remove it from the database; it merely hides it from view (indeed it was originally labelled 'hide'). some people prefer this as it means they can always retrieve it again if they have to, like the recycling bin in windows. if you'd rather directly remove it from the db, you can use the extension called comment removal:
  • the space taken by hidden message is negligible.
  • this is a very good ext thanks but what about discussions? how can i delete them with this extension. delete the first post makes the discussion permanantly removed from database?
  • clicking the 'remove' button on the first comment in a discussion will remove the entire discussion, otherwise it will remove only the comment.
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