Atom grabbing Widget



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No way - that's an awesome idea. +1 stuart
  • Hahaha, Mark you are such a namewhore !
  • or even ... stuart++;

    I second that idea. Actually mark, I'm just waiting for the next revision while I read through the mounds of documentation that's already been finished.

    Hoping to see all the improvements that people have suggested and hoping to see what gets in. And waiting for the flurry of extensions that should follow.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    I want the next release to be the last one with major changes of any kind before 1.0 I want everything after 0.9.3 to be bugixes. Then release a solid 1.0 with lots of options for extensions.
  • yay!
  • Cool, looking forward to it :) I may even get time to make a new theme by the time 1.0 rolls along!
  • edited August 2005
    nifkin: i tried the RSS generator code, but it generates a totally invalid feed, according to FeedValidator.

    stuart: could you give me the link of your RSS feed, so i can take a look?
  • okay, now i made a much more primitive RSS implementation, but at least it's 100% valid:


    please test it!
  • Stuart, is it OK to reuse your RSS widget (I'll change the graphics), if I give you credit on the back of the widget?
  • edited August 2005
    nifkin: i tried the RSS generator code, but it generates a totally invalid feed, according to FeedValidator.

    Weird, i just tried it with the feed for my install of vanilla and it validated okay except for this:

    Your feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"

    But it said that wasn't anything to worry about. That said, I'll still admit that it's an ugly hacky collection of code, and I still haven't tried to really fix the datestamp issue.
  • weird. FeedValidator said, that the whole urlset was invalid. (too bad i didn't save the validation report.) btw i fixed that utf8 bug.
  • schell > sure, feel free.
This discussion has been closed.