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Discussion Counters add-on Vanilla version 1.1.2 ? how?

Hello, I'm trying to use the Discussion Counters. In the read me file it is said that we must modify "themes/discussion.php" as it is in this file: This discussion.php looks very different from the new Vanilla and I wonder if it feets within the new Vanilla version 1.1.2. The read me file says the extension is for Vanilla 1.0.0 I really appreciate your help 'cause this is very important for me. How can I include this extension to the new Vanilla ? Regards


  • Good question
  • Hello community, there is no way to do this? it is just Discussio counter add-on the way to check how many times one dicusion i seen? Is someone using this add on the latest Vanilla? How? I'm new to Vanilla and I appreciate your help
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Those instructions about adding to the discussion.php file are no longer necessary as the new release of Vanilla already has that change.

    I downloaded and installed the extension on my testing version of Vanilla and it worked flawlessly.

    What happens on your installation? What does your themes/discussion.php file look like?
  • Hello Mark, Thank you for your reply. I didn't know the change is already in the new Vanilla. In the add-on page there is no instrauction about it. Then, what I must do is to copy the add-on files in my server and run the add-on? I just must install the extension without modifying the discussion.php ?? Thank you
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