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New Vanilla do I get the base URL I want?

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, I'd like to install a vanilla forum to this domain However is an add-on domain, using a subdomain (my nomenclature is off but I think you get the idea). is actually So when I install vanilla, all the links in the forum look like this: etc etc etc What do I edit to get rid of that passinreviewonline nonsense? I tried changing the conf/settings.php but that didn't do anything. I tried some mod_rewrite stuff but that's not fixing the links. I'm guessing I need to uninstall Vanilla. Edit some of the installation files. And then reinstall it. I'm guessing the longer domain was "hard written" during installation. Is this correct? if so what do I edit to get the URL I want? Is there another approach? Do i edit something in my database tables? THanks. Vanilla looks spectacular. I just hope I can get the URL's right with it.


  • I did exactly what I suspected would work....and eventually it did. 1. I deleted the conf folder and deleted all the tables. 2. In the installer.php file I typed in exactly the base URL I wanted. 3. I re-installed vanilla...and now its using the right URL and all the links function correctly.
  • You should have a web path to vanilla setting on your application settings screen...just change that. You might find it does funky stuff with regards to cookies though.
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