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What would you like to see in FileBrowser?

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm going to hack theFileBrowser to add a comments feature. While I'm at it, what else would you like to see added to it? What would make theFileBrowser better?


  • Hmmmm, just a new kinda update. Or an uploader and or a delete tool
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I stopped working on it because I started using Flickr (which is an awesome service that I happily pay for).

    I've been thinking about retiring the filebrowser completely and only leaving it available as an archived product. Bigger fish to fry, and all...

    Anyone who wants to is welcome to take it and branch it into a new project - just follow those GPL guidelines :)
  • One thing I've really wanted the FileBrowser to have is the ability to display captions. The way I figured it would work best is have a [filename].txt that matches a [filename].jpg|gif|png|whatever, and then have the page for that particular image show whatever would be in the text file. Being able to read HTML would be nice, so that any caption could be bolded or italicized or whatever.
  • Flickr doesn't do the trick for me, as I want something that I can host on my own server and that I can traslate into my language: Spanish. I have added an upload feature, captions for photos and also a form for comments. I don't plan to release it under GPL guidelines though. It is just a hack for my personal use. Thanks for developing a very nice product, Mark
  • edited March 2007
    Mark, What about Vanilla. Will you continue developing it?
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