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Cannot activate Addons anymore

Hallo Vanilla friends I had a problem with an addon (Captcha) and wasn't able to deactivate it. So i deleted the folder in the extension folder and deleted the code line in /conf/extensions.php My forum works since I did these 2 things perfectly. But today I wanted to activate a new addon. But I get 3 errors: 1. param: 'name-of-extension' 2. response: '<div class="Error"> ... Check if php can read /conf/extensions.php </div>' (translated from german) 3. Failed to modify extension. I get exactly these 3 errors with any new addon I try to activate. Can someone tell me what I did wrong or even better what I must do to fix it?


  • edited 2007 26
    You could not deactivate the captcha for the same reason you cannot activate new ones now.

    Did you update the forum recently? if so, have you tried to empty your browser cache.

    Have you checked the permissions on /conf/extensions.php?
  • /conf/extensions.php, settings.php and database.php are all set to rw-r-r Are these settings correct? I'd be thankfull for every idea ...
  • Depend of you server; here it would be the correct settings if the owner were apache or the php wrapper. Try 777 and you will know.
  • edited 2007 01
    Thanks for your answer. I set /conf/extensions.php to 777 and WOW everything works! For another extension (AccountPictures) I had to set /conf/settings.php to 777 aswell. Well, I'm really glad everthing works now, just hope it's safe to leave these 2 files at 777. THANKS for your help, GREAT community! Best regards from the Swiss mountains...
  • You are welcome. You can try 711 or 755 for the folder conf and 664 or 666 for the files and for its files.
  • Hi Dinoboff 711 and 664 work. Thanks!
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